Enhancing Information and Education about NATO in Kazbegi Municipality financed by NATO Public Diplomacy Division 1.04.2022 – 30.11.2022






Capacity-building and awareness-raising initiatives were successfully executed within the framework of this project, all in pursuit of the primary objective: promoting a comprehensive understanding of NATO-Georgia relations and strengthening the alliance’s public perception in  Kazbegi municipality. This project involved various activities, including seminars, training sessions, a “Train the Trainer” program, and a series of workshops. We created and disseminated informative posters and a captivating animated video to enhance visibility and reach. The project engaged school teachers and pupils from Kazbegi municipality. Furthermore, the awareness-raising materials successfully reached the local population of Kazbegi municipality.

These project activities were key in communicating a positive image of NATO as an organization and its significant role in the contemporary security landscape. Additionally, the project highlighted Georgia’s remarkable progress in enhancing its interoperability with NATO, strengthening the notion of Georgia as a trustworthy partner deeply committed to fortifying international security and stability within the NATO framework.


Enhancing Information and Education about NATO in Gardabani Municipality financed by NATO Public Diplomacy Division 1.06.2023 – 31.12.2023

Capacity Building Program – Developing Media Literacy Among Rural Youth financed by European Youth Foundation of CoE 1.06.2023 – 31.12.2023

Promoting Social Entrepreneurship Skills of Rural Youth financed by EU and UNDP 1.06.2022 – 1. 10.2022

Capacity Building Program – Strengthening Civil Society Initiatives Countering Disinformation in Kvemo Kartli Region financed by Embassy of Lithuania in Georgia 1.05.2022 – 15.11.2022

Enhancing Information and Education about NATO in Kazbegi Municipality financed by NATO Public Diplomacy Division 1.04.2022 – 30.11.2022